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After your project is completed everything from walls, ceiling, carpet, tiles, windows and hard to see surfaces are left covered in dust, paint, and dirt. Our exceptional staff is fully trained in all methods of ensuring your property impeccably clean and sanitized. We have a commitment to environmentally friendly initiatives as well as green cleaning products. We have a reputation as a dynamic and forward-
thinking company dedicated to our clients. We use a comprehensive checklist and a professionally supervised crew to ensure quality control. No job is to big or small to receive exceptional service.

Attention to detail is giving to every area of the project to ensure the most detailed cleaning possible. Our checklist includes but not limited to:

  • Removal of all debris from inside and top of all cabinets
  • Remove debris from hardscapes, showers, and tubs
  • Clean and mop hardwood floors
  • Clean plumbing fixtures, mirrors, windows, and light fixtures
  • Vacuum carpets, remove excess mortar granules from stone fireplace and all door tracks
  • Clean debris from floor register vent and wipe clean and cold and air returns
  • Wipe down furnace, hot water heater, and teleposts
  • Dust and clean walls
  • Clean inside and outside of all exterior doors and weather-stripping
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Contact Us

719) 761-7282
5941 Cubbage Drive
Colorado Springs, CO 80924